Assembly units

Locksmith work is carried out by highly qualified personnel. They are mechanics of mechanic assembly works, toolmakers fitters. Performing the local, finishing operations. Performing a full range of accompanying operations, such as bending, welding, enamel painting.

Manufacture and assembly of dies, molds, extrusion-extrusion equipment, blister pack equipment.

examples of work


Skilled personnel

Our employees are professionals with higher or secondary special education. The average work experience is 12 years. Workers have skills in the work of manufacturing complex products.


Execution of orders with any nuances and features. Serial production of parts. The possibility of using imported materials. Flexible pricing policy.

Modern equipment

In production we use modern equipment and tools from Japan, Germany, USA, Switzerland. Widely applied processing in 4 and 5 axes.


Production of high complexity products. The deviation of the shape, perpendicularity, parallelism plane within 5-10 microns. The deviation of dimensions is 3-5 microns.


The customer will receive a response to his request within 72 hours. Production is carried out at the agreed time. Any delays in production are excluded.

Registration and delivery

Delivery of products across Belarus, to Russia, the USA, to the countries of the European Union. Many years of experience in complete customs clearance. Low cost of delivery.